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Workplace Equality Fund 2019 - 2020

5 August 2019 • Sarah Medcraf

Workplace Equality Fund 2019 - 2020 Workplace Equality Fund 2019 - 2020
Impact Funding Partners is inviting applications for the £800,000 Workplace Equality Fund, which it is managing on behalf of the Scottish Government. This fund is open to private sector and third sector organisations. The aim of this fund is: To work with employers to address long standing barriers particular groups face in entering and progressing in the labour market so that everyone in Scotland has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. The Scottish Government is keen to ensure that the economy is representative of society, and focus on delivering inclusive economic growth. The funding will support employers in reducing employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers particularly across the arts, culture, leisure, tourism, finance, manufacturing, construction, agriculture and fishing, transport and communication and STEM sectors. Applications must work towards a minimum of one of the fund outcomes below:
  • Employment opportunities and progression in the workplace are improved for the priority groups and improvements are embedded into the workplace to ensure lasting change
  • Knowledge, skills, policies and practices are improved in order to address employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers/challenges within the workplace
  • A more inclusive working environment is created and continued through employees and employers working in partnership to address employment inequalities and introduce positive practices
Applications must:
  • Focus on one or more priority groups from the following list: minority ethnic people; disabled people; older workers (those aged over 50); people who experience gender based violence; and workers who are experiencing social isolation and/or loneliness; and women (following consultation, the Scottish Government would like to also highlight their support to: women during menopause ; female partners of veterans; and female veterans)
  • Clearly demonstrate how they will achieve a reduction in employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers in Scottish businesses
  • Demonstrate that they are working toward one or more of the five Fairwork Framework Principles - Effective Voice, Opportunity, Security, Fulfilment, Respect
  • Show that the majority of activity will take place with private business
How much can organisations apply for? The minimum grant amount is £5,000, and the maximum grant amount is £50,000. Who can apply? This is an open and competitive fund for:
  • Any private business currently operating with a base in Scotland
  • Any third sector organisation, currently with a base in Scotland, that has agreement in place, prior to application, to work with a specific private business(es)
  • Organisations that have a bank account in the name of the applicant organisation with a minimum of 2 signatories
  • Those who can demonstrate that they will finish their projects by 31st August 2020 and all funding will be expended by this date
What type of projects will the fund support? The Fund will support different types of interventions that work to reduce employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers for the priority groups. The Fund will support different types of interventions that work to reduce employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers for the priority groups. Applications are welcomed which focus on one or more of the priority groups and: i. Open up work opportunities for priority groups to be better prepared for (re)entering and progressing in employment and to advance their career in sectors in which they are under-represented. ii. Businesses/Employers/line managers/workers develop their knowledge and skills around fair work principles and show how their support through Positive Action will support priority groups and lead to a more inclusive workplace. iii. Businesses/employers/line managers understand the employment challenges faced by participants, become better equipped to address these challenges and demonstrate what practical steps they will undertake to address these issues within their workplace. iv. Businesses/Employers/HR departments will become more transparent in their practices around recruitment and progression. v. Employers, working in partnership with workers, create more inclusive working environments, for example addressing gender pay gaps, by counteracting unconscious bias, promoting a positive culture towards pregnancy and maternity, ageing and/or introducing family friendly working practices such as those that support parents in the workplace and carer friendly practices in the workplace such as through the Carer Positive accreditation scheme. Please refer to the website for further information such as items that are ineligible for support, exceptions to eligibility criteria, and information on projects that have previously been funded. Please email enquiries to:

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