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WEBINAR | Town Centre Task Force

18 July 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

Missed the online Town Centre Task Force webinar? Don't Worry, we've got you covered!

The Town Centre Task Force is a visionary project aimed at championing the growth and development of Moray's town centres. The Task Force will be a dynamic coalition, bringing together passionate minds, local businesses, community leaders, and experts. Our collective goal? To champion the growth and development of our town centres, ensuring they become thriving hubs for innovation, commerce, culture, and community engagement.

The Task Force is committed to supporting existing businesses and attracting new investments to our town centres. By doing so, we aim to create more job opportunities, boost entrepreneurship, and enhance economic prosperity for all.

The Power of Collaboration:
We firmly believe that real transformation can only be achieved when we join forces. The Town Centre Task Force serves as a platform for diverse stakeholders to come together, putting aside differences, and embracing a shared vision for the future of Moray.

Interested in Joining the TCTF?
Email your name, business/community group name (if applicable) and why you want to be involved (or what you can bring to the table) to by Friday 28th July 2023 at 5pm

How Else Can You Get Involved?
Your voice matters! The success of the Town Centre Task Force depends on the active participation of our community. Here's how you can get involved:

Stay Informed: Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates, progress reports, and announcements.
Share Your Thoughts: Participate in public consultations and community engagement events. Share your ideas, concerns, and aspirations for our town centres.
Spread the Word: Let your friends, family, and colleagues know about the Task Force's efforts. Together, we can create a ripple effect of support and enthusiasm.

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