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Update on the A96 Corridor Review

2 December 2024 • Sarah Medcraf

Update on the A96 Corridor Review, following a statement today by the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop MSP, to the Scottish Parliament.

As you may be aware, the Scottish Government is committed to improving the A96 and the current plan is to fully dual the route. As part of this process Transport Scotland has been undertaking a transparent, evidence-based review of the programme, which includes a climate compatibility assessment to assess direct and indirect impacts on climate and the environment.

Transport Scotland has today published in draft for consultation the outcomes from the detailed appraisal carried out as part of the A96 Corridor Review. The feedback received from members of the public and key stakeholders will be key in helping inform the Scottish Government’s final decision on how best to take forward improvements to the A96 corridor whilst also balancing the demands of the challenging economic climate and the climate emergency, and will inform timescales going forward.

The consultation period will run for a period of 12 weeks from 28 November 2024 till Friday 21 February 2025. During this time, the Scottish Government is asking the public and other stakeholders to complete an online survey relating to the A96 corridor. This is to help it understand the views of local people, businesses and communities on the outcomes of the review, to what extent the outcomes address their travel priorities along the corridor and how the outcomes should be prioritised. Links to the Corridor Review material published on the Transport Scotland website and the A96 Corridor Review Project Pages have been provided below for your information:

Transport Scotland A96 Corridor Review website –

A96 Corridor Review Project Pages -

The Cabinet Secretary for Transport confirmed to the Scottish Parliament today that the Scottish Government’s current position has not changed – it remains in favour of full dualling of the A96. The Cabinet Secretary also confirmed that no decisions on the final outcome from the A96 Corridor Review will be determined until the Scottish Government hears from the public along with other stakeholders and considers their views from the 12-week consultation.

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