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Supporting Syria and Turkey

14 February 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

As a member of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce International Chamber Network, we are all shocked and saddened by the events in Turkey and Syria. The scale of human loss and the plight of those injured is preying heavily on everyone.

As efforts move from rescue to supporting those affected and displaced, a massive humanitarian effort is underway.

Please support this effort by contributing to one of the many funds in place.

The best way to help victims and survivors is to donate through reputable charities.

  • Red Cross - The Turkish Red Crescent has teams in more than 10 regions across the country, while the Syrian Arab Red Crescent is delivering assistance and support to those in need in the regions of Hama, Aleppo and Lattakia giving emergency first aid and evacuating people to safety. Donate here.
  • UNICEF - The charity is working to ensure water supply by setting up station, sanitation and food. Teams are also working to protect unaccompanied children and reunite those who have become separated from their families. Donate here.
  • Oxfam - Teams from the charity in Turkey and Syria are assessing, with partner organisations, how best to provide aid. The Turkish branch is working with around 80 women’s cooperatives in ten provinces most affected by the quake. Donate here.
  • Save the Children - The charity is prioritising children and their families, who have lost everything. It plans to give them what they need to survive, from thermal blankets, to meals and medical supplies. Donate here.
  • Islamic Relief - In Turkey, the teams are helping with emergency food, shelter and cash grants. In Syria, Islamic Relief will be providing health and medical supplies to hospitals and clinics, as well as blankets and tents for those made homeless. Donate here.

Many thanks.

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