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Chamber News

Share Your Views on Business Support

22 March 2022 • Sarah Medcraf

Over the years we have received feedback regarding business support services in Moray and how they can feel blurred to you, a Moray business. Back in 2020, Moray Chamber of Commerce had a conversation with Moray College UHI about seeking a solution for this issue. We believe that the solution could look like an ‘agency map’ (working title) where Moray businesses can visit a webpage and could browse a brief list of services, search for what they are looking for and be sign posted / redirected to the relevant organisation.

Moray College UHI applied for funding through the innovation fund to explore and research this and they were successful. In collaboration with Moray College UHI, we have been successful in our funding application to Interface for an Innovation Voucher to explore and research this concept further. At the moment there is funding to get it to the proof-of-concept stage only.

Due to COVID and staffing delays, we are only now at the stage of engagement which involves seeking the views of you, our business community.

I’d be grateful if you could complete this 2-mintue survey of your thoughts:

If you have any further thoughts on this, please do not hesitate to reach out. Please can you complete the above survey by Friday 25th March, this will enable us and Moray College UHI to move forward effectively.

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