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SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT | Our Missions for 2026: equality, opportunity and community

18 April 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

First Minister Humza Yousaf has published a new policy prospectus, setting out how the government will deliver for Scotland over the next three years.

In his first major statement to Parliament, the First Minister said three missions, centred on the themes of equality, opportunity and community, will be central to his government.

Announcing he will seek to reach agreement on a ‘New Deal for Scottish Business’, the statement revealed that the launch of Deposit Return Scheme will be set for March next year, that proposals on alcohol advertising will go “back to the drawing board” and that the Scottish Government will look at ways to use Business Rates to boost business and further support communities.

Titled ‘New Leadership - A Fresh Start’, the prospectus details the key aims the government intends to achieve in each Cabinet portfolio, working with the Scottish Green Party to build on the success of the Bute House Agreement.

Actions set out by the First Minister and the prospectus document to tackle poverty, build a fairer, greener and growing economy, and improve public services by 2026 include:

  • a ‘New Deal for Scottish Business’ will be sought, with urgent discussion to agree how government can better support businesses and communities using policy levers such as Non-Domestic Rates.
  • an extension of the Deposit Return Scheme launch date to 1st March 2024, from August this year.
  • an explicit commitment to support economic growth for a purpose – to help business and trade to thrive and maximise the opportunity for a fair, green economy.
  • confirmation of a further £1.3 billion investment for the Scottish Child Payment over the next three years
  • restricting alcohol advertising consultation will go back to the drawing board, where groups of stakeholders will work together to create a new set of proposals to address industry concerns
  • improved cancer outcomes through better prevention and diagnostics, including expanded Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services in Lanarkshire and Borders by June 2023
  • investment of up to £25 million to convert suitable properties into affordable homes for key workers and others, as part of an action plan to increase housing in remote, rural and island areas
  • confirmation of a six-month pilot removing peak-time fares from ScotRail services from October to make rail travel more accessible, available and affordable.
  • the delivery of six new vessels to serve Scotland’s ferry network and a doubling of the charge point network for electric vehicles to at least 6,000
  • reinstating Scotland’s participation in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) studies to increase the availability of internationally comparable data on Scotland’s education performance
  • seeking a new agreement with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) to support the delivery of shared priorities, and legislation to give councils powers to apply a Local Visitor Levy on overnight stays in commercially let accommodation as additional means to raise revenue

Our Missions for 2026: equality, opportunity and community

"I am setting three critical – and interdependent – missions for my government which will make a difference, tackling the issues which matter most and grasping the opportunities we have, to improve the lives of people across the country. These will be underpinned by our refreshed National Outcomes.

This prospectus describes what we aim to achieve by 2026, which when taken together will deliver upon the three missions described below.

Equality: Tackling poverty and protecting people from harm

Only with the full economic and fiscal powers of an independent nation can we eradicate inequality and poverty. In the meantime, we will use our fixed budget and all the powers we have to reach our targets of substantially reducing child poverty. We will continue to tackle poverty in all its forms and improve the life chances of people across our country. We will protect people across Scotland as far as possible from the harm inflicted by UK Government policies and the ongoing cost of living crisis.

Opportunity: A fair, green and growing economy

Whilst we are bound to a failed UK economic model and do not hold all the financial levers needed, we will use all the powers we do have to support economic growth for a purpose, to help business and trade to thrive and maximise the opportunity of the green economy, with fairness at its heart. This can then drive improved living standards, reduce poverty, and sustain high quality public services – all key to a wellbeing economy. We will do this through harnessing the skills and ingenuity of our people and seizing the economic and social opportunities from meeting our net zero targets.

Community: Prioritising our public services

We will deliver efficient and effective public services, including our emergency services, that deliver for the people who use and rely on them. The NHS and social care, schools and childcare, our police force and tackling crime, and delivering affordable housing and transport will be our focus. As part of this, my government will ensure the recovery and reform of our NHS and our other vital public services by delivering sustainable, person-centred public services with a focus on tackling inequalities. The Government I lead will ensure we protect the rights of all our people, and where possible we will advance those rights.

These missions will define the work of my government as we take the steps required to deliver the public services that our communities rely upon, increase quality, create a fairer society and drive opportunity for the people of Scotland and our businesses.

My ministerial team are critical to the delivery of this vision – this document outlines the ambitious range of outcomes that I have agreed with each Cabinet Secretary and the co-leaders of the Scottish Green Party. These are the key objectives that they will deliver over the next three years to support these missions"

Read the full document which includes ministerial roles here
FM's full speech can be found here

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