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Scottish Careers Week

27 October 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

Career choices: collaborating to inform the next generation

Scottish employers actively support young people’s career aspirations , whether it’s through graduate recruitment, work experience, apprenticeships or other forms of employment and training. This Scottish Careers Week, the Scottish Chambers of Commerce and Skills Development Scotland are hosting a webinar for the Chamber Network to recognise these important contributions.

As part of ‘Career choices: collaborating to inform the next generation’, attendees will:

  • Hear about SDS’s national careers information advice and guidance service offer for employers. This will include live examples of SDS collaboration with industry, to attract and retain the talent needed to grow their businesses
  • Gain the latest insights into the career ambitions and preferred job sectors of Scotland’s secondary school pupils and, importantly, what influences their career decisions

The event supports information sharing between key partners and an opportunity to shape the future through the exploration of collaboration between industry and SDS careers services. Together, we can ensure the needs of employers and the future workforce are met.

We look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 14 November 2023, 10.30am – 11.30am

To register click HERE

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