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People interested in building their own home in Moray urged to join council register

3 November 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

People interested in building their own home or creating a custom-build home in Moray are being urged to join the Moray Council’s Self-Build Register.

All local authorities must keep a register of any individual or groups who want to obtain land to build their own homes and they must take this demand into account when preparing the Local Development Plan.

Moray Council is encouraging those interested to join its register for free.

Moray Council’s Planning and Regulatory Services Committee Chair, Cllr David Gordon, said joining the register isn’t a binding commitment, but it will help planners find out more about the demand for custom and self-build plots, as well as where people would like their plot to be, and the type of house that they would like to build.

"Being on the self-build register is not a requirement for planning consent and registration does not guarantee a suitable plot will be identified or become available for you. However, we will use this information to plan how demand for self-build could be met in the new Local Development Plan."

The register is available here on Moray Council's website.

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