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Parklands pair in line for Great British Care Award

26 October 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

Two senior leaders from Parklands Care Homes have been shortlisted for a prestigious Great British Care Award.

Managing Director Ron Taylor is in line for the Outstanding Contribution to Social Care award in recognition of his 30-year commitment to the sector. Mr Taylor established Parklands in 1993, inspired by his own experience as a carer for his grandfather, and has steered the company’s growth over the past 30 years. Today it operates 11 homes across the north and north-east and has over 750 employees caring for almost 400 older people.

Meanwhile, Louise Gillies, manager of Speyside Care Home in Aberlour, has been shortlisted for the Frontline Leaders Award which is awarded to a first-time manager who has shown clear commitment to improving the delivery of care and support within their team. Louise joined Speyside in January 2022 and secured the home a grade 5 (very good) rating in her first inspection by the Care Inspectorate in November 2022.

The two will go head-to-head with other Scottish entries in the regional finals which take place next month.

Louise Gillies said: “This is very much a team effort. My nomination wouldn’t have been possible without the support and commitment of the entire team at Speyside who have been such a source of encouragement and for inspiration for me. We have worked hard to create a culture of inclusion at Speyside where everyone feels valued, heard, and determined to succeed for our residents.”

Ron Taylor said: “I’m delighted for Louise. She has made an outstanding contribution to Parklands, first as a carer, then shift leader and now as the manager of a grade 5 care home. As for my own nomination, this is really testament to the hard work of the entire Parklands family who continue to amaze and inspire me with their selfless dedication and professionalism.”

Parklands is this year celebrating its 30th anniversary and, to mark the occasion, the group has produced a new 10-part podcast series called Carecast which takes listeners on a fun-filled and often emotional journey into the world of Parklands' care homes. You can listen at

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