Member Update
Moray Sports Centre | It’s a marathon not a sprint
3 September 2021 • Laura Masling
The restrictions of COVID continue to lower, but the impact of the pandemic is still evident for all to see. Having to stay indoors changed our lives and caused many to refrain from socialising. 2021 has given many of us the opportunity to start seeing friends and family but return to a normal working routine and to the lifestyles we previously enjoyed.
COVID has had a detrimental effect on mental health. Many local companies are actively looking for ways to support their staff back into the workplace. The Moray Sports Centre can support employee health and wellbeing whilst raising morale, by aiding companies who are enhancing their employee benefit schemes. Exercise has seen positive effects in increasing performance and productivity due to the reduction of absence, in both physical and mental forms.
For many, exercise was a way of coping with lockdown and with the Governments closing of gyms, Moray Sports Centre improvised and has developed innovative programmes to allow everybody to benefit from exercising! Providing a space for those to build their confidence in a friendly and welcoming environment.
The work to improve and provide the best possible service has seen them launch an easy to navigate, new timetable including a variety of new classes. Additionally, MSC is now providing bespoke corporate packages, including competitive rates on Personal Training Packages, and Corporate open days*. This ability to adapt in the toughest of times allows the centre to provide junior and senior specific sessions. So, whether you are looking to re-ignite an old fitness flame or need to stretch away those long days of box set viewings, why not contact them and see what is available for you.
*Open days will provide a taster session in all areas of the facility, whilst providing the company with an insight of our business and how it has evolved throughout lockdown.
If you are currently reviewing your workforce benefits or would like to reward your team for their efforts during lockdown, get in touch by emailing or call 01343 610670.