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21 June 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

Moray Reach Out is delighted to announce they will receive £10,000 from the National Lottery Awards for All fund. The money will fund a wheelchair accessible patio area.

Before this can be achieved, significant groundworks and landscaping of the steep and currently inaccessible area to the rear of 23 East Church Street, Buckie will need to be carried out. Moray Reach Out has also successfully applied for a Social Investment Scotland Grant / Loan which will be used for the exciting garden development and to complete refurbishments on the building.

The vision is to create an accessible space which can be enjoyed by Moray Reach Out trainees, staff and volunteers but also a space we can share with other Community groups and the public on various themed open days and events. It will be a huge asset to the community.

Funds received from the Moray Chamber of Commerce Auction last year, £10,000, are also ringfenced to support the new developments.

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