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Moray Council - Business Support

23 June 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

Business Support

Procurement Contracting with the Moray Council Contact Tel: 01343 563137 Email:

Properties for sale Properties and plots (Commercial and Residential) for sale/lease Email:

Business Gateway Business Gateway Moray is your gateway to expert local business advice and practical guidance. Whichever sector your business is in, or whatever stage it is at, our one-to-one support, specialist advice, business skills workshops and networking events are here to help. Contact Tel: 01343 563634 Email:

Non Domestic Rates Non-Domestic Rates is a tax on properties not in domestic use. Contact: Tel: 01343 563456 Email:

Recycling and Waste See here for all information on: Domestic Collection, Recycling Centres and Points, Commercial and Events waste, Litter and Fly tipping, Waste education in schools and public toilets Contact email:

Development Management The responsibility for processing applications for planning permission and appeals following refusal of planning permission lies with our Development Management section. Contact email:

Development PlansDevelopment Planning includes Moray Local Development Plan, Masterplans and Development Briefs, Development Monitoring, Conservation and Environmental Projects and Developer Obligations. Contact email:

Climate Change Contact email:

Building Standards Building Standards aim is to ensure that buildings in Moray comply with building regulations. Contact email:

Road closures A list of planning road closures in Moray

Road openings Apply for permits including dropped kerbs, utility connections, lay-bys and new access roads. Before digging up any public road, footpath/footway or verge for any purpose, you must apply for permission. Contact email:

Economic development The local government’s role in Economic Development is guided by the Scottish Government’s priorities and strategies. In partnership with organisations across all sectors, the Council is working on a strategic plan and operational level to maximise economic benefits through its strategies, decision making, investment and services.

Environmental health Are a multi-function profession concerned with inspection, education and regulations, that provides advice and guidance to businesses and consumers and enforces minimum standards and requirements through legislation as necessary. Contact Tel: 01343 563990 Email:

Trading standards Trading Standards ensure fair trading to protect consumers and business from unfair and unsafe trading practices. Contact email:

Licensing Contact email:

Events oversight group Depending upon the scale of your event and the proposed activities you may be asked to engage with the Council’s Events Oversight Group – a multi-agency advisory group chaired by our Community Safety team. Contact email:

If you cant find what you looking for or have had an unsatisfactory response then please contact the Head of Economic Growth and Development. Contact email:

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