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Healthcare Recruitment Campaign Gains Momentum in Moray

7 March 2024 • Sarah Medcraf

A ground-breaking recruitment campaign, aimed at attracting top healthcare talent to Moray, has led to an “astonishing” level of interest in its first month, according to NHS Grampian bosses.

The campaign, which puts a special focus on strengthening Moray's newly enhanced maternity services at Dr Gray’s Hospital, has already drawn significant attention, with the newly launched, dedicated recruitment site receiving over 31,000 visitors in just a month.

Launched with the aim of showcasing Moray as an ideal place for healthcare professionals seeking a better work-life balance, the campaign not only highlights the exceptional career opportunities but also the unique lifestyle the area offers.

"The response to the campaign has been incredibly positive and really, quite astonishing,” said Jane Gill, Maternity Programme Lead at NHS Grampian.

“With more than 1,000 visitors daily to our recruitment site, and over 100 enquiries from potential new staff so far, it’s exceeding our expectations.

"This early success is a testament to the appeal of Moray and the North of Scotland and the innovative approach to highlight what sets our area apart.

“We’ve had people in touch from across the UK but also from as far afield as Europe, India, South Africa and elsewhere who are keen to make Moray their home.”

The campaign, which extends beyond traditional healthcare recruitment channels, targets a wide audience through various platforms including TV, social media, and collaborations with Google, Facebook and outlets such as BBC Wildlife and Mountain Biking UK.

She continued: “We’re hugely grateful to people from across Moray who have shared our social media videos far and wide which has really helped generate this interest. It’s really worked and is a real demonstration of the special community spirit here the campaign puts at its centre.”

Despite the encouraging numbers, Jane acknowledged there is still much work to do.

"We are delighted with the initial response but our goal is to convert this interest into actual applications and ultimately, new starts,” she said.

“Our ultimate aim is consultant-led obstetric births at Dr Gray’s Hospital by 2026 and we’re making good progress.

“I’m delighted that we’ve already managed to recruit a number of new midwifery colleagues to the service who are now in place and working at Dr Gray’s. Importantly, we’ve also secured 3 new Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologists who are due to start shortly, one of whom will work between Elgin and Raigmore.

“That’s really exciting but it’s just the beginning. It’s critical that we find the right staff for other key positions – particularly in anaesthetics – and there will be no let-up in those efforts as the recruitment campaign continues in the months to come.”

Jane said that while the focus of the campaign is on the new maternity service it’s already apparent that the level of interest in Dr Gray’s and Moray will bring benefits across the hospital.

“We’ve had people get in touch interested in moving here to work in a huge variety of different specialities and across different healthcare professions. That’s really encouraging for future of the hospital and could make a real difference to the healthcare landscape here for years to come.”

For more information on the recruitment campaign and to explore opportunities in Moray, visit

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