Scottish Government have updated the hospitality guidance to include Santa Experiences. You can view it here under FAQs and we have summarised it below:
Levels 0, 1 & 2
Both indoor and outdoor Santa experiences can open but the preference would be for all Santa experiences to be staged outside. Outside Santa experiences should not be in sheds or in similar facilities that are covered on all sides. Suitable mitigations should be put in place to reduce the risk of the virus. These include:
- having booking systems with allocated spaces to prevent queueing
- venues should not take bookings from areas in level 3 or 4 due to the travel restrictions in regulations
- ensuring that only one household is visiting Santa at a time and only one adult should attend with the children
- ensure good hand hygiene is maintained with clear hand hygiene stations
- maintain 2 metre distances between different households
- face coverings should be worn by adults indoors, even by Santa and any helpers
- children over 5 should wear face coverings in line with other guidance
- children should pick their own gift rather than Santa handing it to them
- cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces that children or adults may come into contact with between visits
Level 3
Indoor Santa experience should close but outdoor Santa experiences may open. Outdoor Santa experiences at all levels should put in place suitable mitigations to reduce the risk of the virus. These include:
- having booking systems with allocated spaces to prevent queueing
- venues should not accept bookings from outwith their local authority area due to travel restrictions in regulations
- ensuring that only one household is visiting Santa at a time and only one adult should attend with the children
- ensure good hand hygiene is maintained with clear hand hygiene stations
- face coverings should be worn by adults indoors, even by Santa and any helpers
- children over 5 should wear face coverings in line with other guidance
- maintain 2 metre distances between different households
- children should pick their own gift rather than Santa handing it to them
- cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces that children or adults may come into contact with between visits
Level 4
Due to the prevalence of the virus in these areas all Santa’s experiences should be closed.