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DRS | Blueprint for Return Point Operators & Closed Loop System

30 March 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

A return point operator (RPO) is anyone who provides a service that collects the recyclable containers included in Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) and refunds consumers’ deposits. This service can range from accepting returns over the counter and refunding consumers from the till to operating a reverse vending machine which will automatically accept containers and repay deposits.

All retailers and hospitality businesses that sell drinks to take away are legally required to operate a return point. This includes online retailers of drinks.

Many sports venues and clubs, staff canteens and public buildings such as schools and hospitals will also have to operate return points. Visitor attractions and leisure sites such as cinemas and campsites may also need to become return point operators although premises that only operate a vending machine are not required to provide a return point.

This will ensure that all consumers, wherever they live, have access to a local return point, making it easier to return their empty scheme containers helping us to achieve a high recycling rate.

Retailers offering online sales of deposit bearing containers will have to offer a free takeback service allowing the purchaser to return containers and get their deposit back from that retailer.

Find out more about RPO here
View the blueprint here

If your hospitality business serves drinks in single-use glass, metal or PET plastic containers for customers to consume off the premises, you must charge a deposit and operate a return point for consumers to return any container included in Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.

Like retailers, many takeaways and cafes, and some bars and restaurants, will have to advertise the deposit as a distinct and separate cost to the purchase price.
View the Closed Loop blueprint here

Return options

Manual handling

This is when a retailer accepts returned containers over the counter and repays consumers from the till, using accounting and reporting systems to obtain reimbursement from the scheme administrator. They will store returned containers on-site, in bags and boxes provided, ready for collection by the scheme administrator’s nominated logistics partner. Circularity Scotland collects the material and validates each container at a counting centre, and redeems deposits as appropriate.

An app will be created to help you and your staff identify what is included in the scheme and what is not.

Reverse vending machines

Reverse vending machines (RVM) are sophisticated machines that can identify drinks containers inserted and refund consumers’ deposits once the container has been scanned and validated. RVMs can generate vouchers that can be used at retailers to pay for shopping or get a cash refund at the till.

They store the recyclable materials returned securely for collection and have been successfully used to support many other deposit return schemes around the world. The expense of buying or leasing these machines means that they only really make economic sense for retailers or large hospitality premises handling large volumes of containers.

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