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Business leaders unite again in plea to halt Deposit Return Scheme

18 April 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

Business leaders have united to urge Humza Yousaf to halt the introduction of Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), with the First Minister being warned that without “decisive action being taken now, the scheme as it currently stands will fail”.

That is the message from groups such as CBI Scotland, the Federation of Small Businesses Scotland, the Scottish Chambers of Commerce and others.

They have written to Yousaf to raise concerns about the scheme, which is due to come into force on 16 August.

The scheme will see shoppers pay a 20p deposit every time they buy a drink in a bottle or can, with the money returned to them when they bring the empty containers back for recycling.

Environmental campaigners and the Scottish Government believe the scheme will boost recycling and reduce litter.

Producers who have not registered for the scheme will be unable to sell their products in Scotland, while business leaders insist DRS is “not fit for purpose”.

In the letter to the First Minister, they said that with just 13 weeks remaining until DRS goes live, “the challenge facing businesses is stark”.

They warned Yousaf: “Time is running out, we urge you to commit to review and delay DRS until a workable scheme has been agreed by all facets of industry.”

It has also been signed by the leaders of the Scottish Wholesale Association, the Scottish Tourism Alliance, the Wine and Spirits Trade Association, the Scotch Whisky Association, the Society of Independent Brewers and UK Hospitality, highlighting the depths of concern that exist about DRS.

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