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Back Scotland’s Businesses says Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network

22 March 2023 • Sarah Medcraf

The Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network has called on the next SNP Leader and First Minister to Back Scotland’s Businesses by committing to economic growth as their number one priority.

In an open letter, SCC has asked each candidate to commit to tackling the most urgent issues facing the business community:

  • Will economic growth be your number one priority?
  • Will you appoint a Minister for Economic Growth & Investment on day one of taking office?
  • Will you commit to removing existing and future regulation which is increasing the cost of doing business?
  • Will you finally reform Business Rates and ensure UK rates reliefs are equalised for Scotland’s hospitality, tourism and leisure sectors?

Read the letter here

Commenting on the publication of the letter, Sarah Medcraf, Moray Chamber of Commerce, said:
“Growing our economy must be a priority for Scotland’s incoming leadership. There must be a pause on regulation that will impact business hugely, including the Deposit Return Scheme, so business can be engaged and consulted properly in order for priorities to be met fairly. We continue to express our dismay that the business rates (non-domestic rates) system is unfair and needs reform. Businesses in Scotland deserve the same support as those south of the border. Prioritising our economy and therefore growing our economy will enable businesses to flourish, resulting in an increase in good jobs, allowing more money in the pockets of our communities which will be spent locally. Scotland’s incoming leadership must understand rural economies and must act as enablers for businesses to succeed.”

Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Director & Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:
“Scotland needs a credible economic growth plan which must be a top priority for every department in the Scottish Government. That can only be delivered if the next First Minister makes economic growth its driving mission and works in an honest and open partnership with the business community.

“There are serious challenges in every sector of the economy: businesses can’t source and find the skills and talent they need to deliver and grow; upfront costs are mounting up; new regulations are eroding our ability to stay in business keeping the staff we have, transport and digital infrastructure is lagging comparative nations, and business confidence needs to be restored if we are to invest for the future.

“We need you – backed by a Cabinet with business expertise and experience - to work with us to remove anti-growth policies and build a globally competitive economy.

“Answering ‘yes’ to our questions is the only route for you to demonstrate that Scotland’s entrepreneurs, business owners and employees are being heard and that you have our backs.”

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