Member Insights
Lifestyle Magazine
April 2020

We caught up with Rhona Patterson, Editor of Lifestyle Magazine for an Insight into the magazine
Please name the main purpose of your business.
Lifestyle is a quality free magazine that is published bi-monthly and distributed throughout Morayand beyond. It is normally available to pick up in supermarkets, garden centres, newsagents,hotels, hairdressers etc. During the current Covid-19 situation Lifestyle will still be available in
Supermarkets but will also be delivered through doors by newsagents with the newspapers.Lifestyle is also available digitally. Lifestyle promotes local businesses and organisations inadvertorials and features. We are always keen to support new businesses and local charities.
What are the benefits of operating in Moray?
Moray has an abundance of talent, interests and culture for Lifestyle to tap into and feature. Withsuch a wide range of businesses also with so much to offer it is a pleasure working in this area.
How do you connect to your local customers?
I offer a personal service to my clients working with them to understand their business. I find outhow Lifestyle can best help them with promotions and offer a bespoke marketing package.
Why are you part of Moray Chamber of Commerce?
I joined Moray Chamber when I took on the business to widen my business networking potential. Iwanted assistance from the Chamber in spreading the word about the marketing opportunitiesLifestyle has to offer to the business community.
What are you most proud of?
Lifestyle is the only completely local printed and published quality free magazine in Moray and itis 100% recyclable. I am proud to have kept the magazine going and to have been able to supportnew businesses and charities over the years.
Finally, name one misconception that people have about your business.
There is a misconception that Lifestyle is made up of a huge team working out of a big office.Lifestyle is just me, working from home, although I don’t have the skills to produce the beautifulend product you pick up, for that I rely on wonderfully talented freelance workers when I needthem. Eve my main designer, Adam for adverts, Ceamara Photography, various writers and MMSAlmac who then print it.